VALENCIA CUINA OBERTA has committed to making its website accessible in accordance with the Royal Decree 1112/2018, of September 7, on the accessibility of websites and applications for mobile devices of the public sector, transposing the Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council, dated October 26, 2016.

This accessibility statement applies to the website, excluding embedded content from other domains.

Compliance Status

At the time of the last accessibility analysis of the website. The website is compliant with RD 1112/2018.

Potential non-accessible content to be reviewed in the future with the website’s development

The content listed below must be evaluated periodically, as this project may be managed by a team not specialized in web editing:

a. Non-compliance with RD 1112/2018:

  • There may be occasional failures on some web pages, such as incorrect nesting of elements, presence of a broken link, paragraphs without correct markup, or some skip in header levels [requirement number information and relationships, from the UNE-EN 301549:2019 Standard].
  • There may be images without the “alt” tag filled in the latest news uploaded, but regular reviews will be established and corrected as soon as possible.

b. Disproportionate burden:

  • The adjusted size of multimedia elements that are uploaded to the website in the future should be checked. However, software limitations have been included to prevent this from happening.

Preparation of this accessibility statement

The statement was initially made on October 30, 2023.

The method used to prepare the statement was the evaluation by the developer company Portfolio Multimedia, S.L, ensuring technical compliance with WCAG 2.1 standards at level AA, as well as the current UNE-EN 301549 standard.

Last statement review: October 31, 2023.

Comments and contact information

You can send communications regarding accessibility requirements, such as:

  • reporting any potential non-compliance by this website
  • relaying other difficulties accessing content
  • making any other inquiry or suggestion for improvement regarding the website’s accessibility

Application procedure

You can contact us via email at indicating “Communication on Accessibility” in the subject line.

Communications will be received and processed by the team assigned at the time to VALENCIA CUINA OBERTA.

Optional Content

This website complies with the specifications of the accessibility seal accessibility seal



The website is optimized for the latest active versions of FireFox, Chrome, and Safari. The minimum recommended web resolution is 1280×1024.

This website is designed for Responsive viewing, making it optimal for tablet and mobile devices. On these devices, it is optimized for viewing in the latest active versions of Chrome for mobile, Firefox for mobile, and Safari mobile.